Sunday, December 8, 2013

Testing ... Testing ... Here I Go Again!

Back in 2007 or 2008 I started a blog, I was heavily involved in scrapbooking and crafting so the majority of my posts consisted of my crafty endeavors.  Then in 2012 my life changed dramatically and suddenly my scrapping and crafting was no longer my focus.  Then in 2013 I made some major life changes, and before I knew it I had deleted my blog (wishing at times I hadn't deleted it because it was a diary of sorts, but what's done is done, there's no looking back).  I was no longer scrapping, my home was for sale, I was dealing with probate issues and trying to decide where I wanted to spend the rest of my life.  Long story short ... my daughter and I relocated to California.  I spent my early school years here with my family and it seemed like the right move to make.  My daughter has never lived anywhere but Connecticut, but she decided to give the move a try, so Morgan and I packed up the house on Thomas Avenue and at the end of September my boyfriend Patrick flew back east to make the drive out with us, six days later we were in sunny southern California.  We are still adjusting and hoping that all the changes will be positive ones.  So far, so good.  We miss Connecticut at times, we miss our many friends and family but we are excited by the new beginnings we face.  

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back!!!! Moving is tough, but I know you and Morgan will find happiness and contentment. Can't wait to see your view of Cali - Its a very cool and pretty state.
